The Purchase Order screen displays a list of Purchase Orders. It can be set to show:
•Only those purchase orders that have not been received
•All purchase orders, including those that have been completely received.
To Find a Purchase Order
1.Go to the Settings> Inventory> Purchase Order screen.
1.Click the Filter button to toggle between showing or hiding purchase orders that have been received. If the Received = Null checkbox under the purchase order list is selected, orders that have already been received are not listed.
2.Use the drop-down arrow beside the column headings to select what to display in the Supplier or Received columns. You can also sort the columns into ascending or descending order. (For more information, see Adjust the Information Views.)
3.Once you have located and highlighted the purchase order you were looking for, you can print or delete it:
•To print, click the Printer button and then follow the instructions in the Report Options wizard.
Caution Purchase order deletion cannot be undone. |
•To delete, make sure the correct purchase order is highlighted, and then click the Delete button. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Note Purchase Orders cannot be deleted unless the proper Store Manager security settings have been activated. |
See Also: