You have a lot of valuable customer information stored in your SpeedLine POS. There are two ways to export that data so it can be used for marketing purposes:
1.If you run a customer report and select the Export Format in the Report Options Wizard, complete data for all customers listed on the report can be printed or saved to a number of file formats, including Microsoft Excel (XLS). See Export Reports.
Hint Choosing the Export Format (No Formatting) option in the Report Options Wizard will often give you additional data fields (for example, email) that are not available in the List report format. |
2.Store Manager can automatically create a text file containing the names, addresses, and order information for your customers each day when Day End is run. See To Create a Customer Export Text File Automatically When Day End is Run, below.
To Create a Customer Export Text File Automatically When Day End is Run
Your corporate head office or a marketing provider may request regularly exported customer data for weekly or monthly mailings. Use the steps below to automatically produce a text file export of customer data.
1.Go to the Settings> End of Day> End of Day Options > Customer Export tab.
2.Select Create Customer File to export customer data to a text file at Day End.
3.Enter a path in the Path field or click the browse button to select the save location of the text file.
4.In the Type of Customer to Export list, choose one of the following options:
•All Customers: to export all customer records.
•New Customers: to export customers whose first purchase is within the time period specified in the Date Range list.
•Customers with Activity: to export customers who have ordered during the time period specified in the Date Range list.
5.If you have selected New Customers or Customers with Activity in step 4, select the date range to include in the export, or for a custom date range, click Selected Dates, and then in the Start and End fields, select the beginning and end of the range.
6.In the Export list, select whether to export the customer file daily or weekly.
7.If you selected weekly export, in the Day of Week field, click the day of the week you want your customer file exported on. If you are exporting the file for use by a corporate head office, the file is usually exported on the weekend for processing on Monday.
Note Be sure you always run Day End on the day you have set the export to take place. |
8.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.
9.Refresh Terminal.
See also: