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Follow the instructions below to activate the prep planning feature and enter some general settings.

1.Go to the Settings> System> Operations Planning icon_opsPlanning> Prep Planning tab.

2.Select the Active check box to activate Prep Planning.

3.Set your Presauce Percentage (for example, the percentage of pizza shells or chicken wings that should have sauce on them in preparation for peak time activity).

4.Set Look X Weeks Into Past to tell SpeedLine how many previous weeks to base forecasts on.

Note HM

Important Increasing this value above 6 will increase prep planning system calculation times.

5.Click Edit and select Save Changes.

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Prep Planning Tutorial Home

Step 1: Define Prep Times (Prep Parts)

Step 2: Tag Prep Items in Menu Designer

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 3: Enter General Prep Planning Settings

Step 4: View and Print a Prep Plan