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Navigation: Inventory Use and Maintenance > Inventory Periods

Close, Reopen, or Delete a Period

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Inventory periods, whether one week (recommended) or one month long, are ready to be closed once your batches have all been posted. In some cases, such as the discovery of a receive that had not been entered, you may need to reopen a period. Follow the instructions below to close, reopen, add or delete a period.

To Close a Period

1.Check that all batch types included in this period have been posted. See Batch Types for more information.

Note HM

Note Run Day End and ensure ideal usage is posted for the day before closing the period.

2.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Periods icon_periods> Periods tab.

3.Click on the current period to highlight it (the one with the earliest date).

4.Click the Close button. bClosePeriod

5.Click Yes to confirm you want to close this period.

Note HM


-A warning dialog will display if you try to close a period that is unfinished or has no batch postings.

-Periods can only be closed in sequential date order. For example: you cannot close the month of April before you close the month of March.

-Only the open periods will display, unless you use the Filter button bFilter to switch the view to include the closed periods.

To Reopen a Period

1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Periods icon_periods> Periods tab.

2.Use the Filter button bFilter to switch the view to include closed periods.

3.Click on the period to highlight it, and then click the Reopen button. bOpenPeriod        

Note HM

Important Periods may only be reopened if batches have not been posted to a subsequent period.

To Add or Delete a Period

1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Periods icon_periods> Periods tab.

2.Do one of the following:
Click the Add button bAdd to add a period


To delete an existing period, click on it to highlight it, and then click the Delete button. bDelete

Note HM

Important Periods can only be deleted from the bottom of the list, and only as long as no batch has been posted to that period.

See Also:

Add a Year of Periods

Add a Custom Report Period

Inventory Periods