The Fiscal Calendar Wizard will take you step-by-step through setting up a full year of inventory periods and report periods.
To Add a Year of Periods and Report Periods
1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Periods > Periods tab.
2.Beside the Fiscal Year field at the top of the screen, click the Add button to start the Fiscal Calendar Wizard.
3.Follow the instructions in the wizard to select the Fiscal Year and Date, the Period Length, whether Weekly or Monthly (1-week periods are recommended) and the Report Periods options.
4.Click Finish. A year of periods should now be listed on the Periods tab.
Note New periods can be added to the bottom of the list only, and only the last period end date can be changed. |
Inventory Setup SpeedStart Tutorial
•Inventory Setup Tutorial Home
You are here Step 1: Add a Year of Periods
•Step 2: Import Stock Items from Menu
•Step 3: Add Global Unit of Measure Conversions
•Step 4: Add Supplier Information
•Step 5: Enter General Stock Item Information
•Step 6: Add Custom Unit Conversion
•Step 7: Enter Stock Item Count Units and Locations
•Step 8: Assign Stock Items to a Supplier
•Step 9: Set General Inventory Options
•Step 10: Set Purchase Order Options
•Step 12: Set End of Day Options