If you use a unit of measure that can be applied to many stock items, but that is not listed in the volume or weight sections of the UOM library [The UOM library is found on the Inventory Settings> Units of Measure screen. Click the Add button to select a new UOM from the library. UOMs imported from Menu Designer with stock items will be automatically selected from the library, if they can be found there. The UOM name imported must be identical to the library name, or you will have to add a conversion for it.], you will have to add a global conversion for it using the procedure below. For instance, if you use a unit of measure named "Lb" for your stock items, instead of "pound" as listed in the library, you must add a global conversion that tells SpeedLine how many ounces are in one "Lb."
To Add a Global Conversion
1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Units of Measure > Conversions tab.
2.Click the Add button. The UOM Conversion window opens.
3.In the Convert From field, click to display the drop-down button and select the larger of the two units you are converting between in the list (in the example at the top of the page, this would be "Lb").
Note If you do not see the unit you require listed, you must add a new unit of measure. |
4.Click in the Multiplier field and enter the conversion factor (for example to convert from Lb to ounce, you would enter "16").
5.In the Convert To column, click in the field to display the drop-down button and select a unit (for example, ounce) from the list.
6.Click OK. The new conversion is added to the Conversions tab. This conversion will be applied to all stock items that use the UOM specified.
Inventory Setup SpeedStart Tutorial
•Inventory Setup Tutorial Home
•Step 1: Add a Year of Periods
•Step 2: Import Stock Items from Menu
You are here Step 3: Add Global Unit of Measure Conversions
•Step 4: Add Supplier Information
•Step 5: Enter General Stock Item Information
•Step 6: Add Custom Unit Conversion
•Step 7: Enter Stock Item Count Units and Locations
•Step 8: Assign Stock Items to a Supplier
•Step 9: Set General Inventory Options
•Step 10: Set Purchase Order Options
•Step 12: Set End of Day Options