If your supplier changes how they package or sell a stock item, you may need to change the stocking unit for that item. This topic explains how to do that. To view previous stocking unit changes, see View Stocking Unit Changes.
Important Because the stocking unit is the base unit of measure for a stock item, it is critical to calculating usage, and must remain unchanged from the start to the end of an Inventory period. You may initiate a change to the stocking unit during a period, but if the item is in stock during the period, any changes you make will not take effect until that period is closed. |
To Change a Stocking Unit
1.Go to Settings> Inventory Settings> Stock Items .
2.In the Stock Items list, double-click the item whose stocking unit you want to change.
3.On the details pane General tab, click the Change Stocking Unit button.
Note If the Change Stocking Unit button is unavailable (grayed-out) there is no current stock of the item, and you can change the unit simply by clicking the Stocking Unit field and choosing a new unit from the drop-down list. This change will take effect immediately. |
4.In the Change Stocking Unit window, select a new unit from the To list, and then click OK.
Note If you do not see the unit you require listed, you must add a unit of measure. |
5.Click OK to confirm the stocking unit change and the conversion factor. The stocking unit will change after the current period is closed.
See also:
•View Stocking Unit Changes to view previous changes