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Change Calculation Method for Fee Paid to Driver

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Follow the procedure below to change the way fees paid to drivers [The money you pay drivers for making a delivery. This is separate from delivery fees, which customers pay to the store for delivering food.] are calculated.

1.Open the Fee Paid to Driver Settings window by doing one of the following:

If your the fees paid to drivers are the same for everyone in the "drivers" department:

oGo to the Settings> People> Employee Options icon_employeeOptions> Departments tab.

oClick the Fees Paid to Driver field, and then click the Browse button. bBrowseSml


If your fees paid to drivers vary depending on the employee:

oGo to Settings> People> Employees. icon_employeeSetup

oDouble-click the employee whose fees you want to change.

oClick the Jobs tab, and then click the Driver Fee button.

2.Click the Method field, and then click the arrow. bDropdown

3.In the Method list, choose one of the following calculation methods:

Note HM

Note The fee paid to drivers using the methods below is limited by the Max. Fee Paid to Driver per Ticket setting, if a maximum amount is set. Set Maximum Fee Paid to Driver per Ticket.



% of Subtotal

The driver will receive a percentage of the order subtotal (determined by the value in the Rate field). Note: if you use this method, you may want to set a maximum driver fee. See Set Maximum Fee Paid to Driver per Ticket.

Amount per Order

The driver will receive a flat amount per order delivered (determined by the value in the Rate field).
If several orders are delivered to the same address at once, the fee will be split equally between them.

Amount per Distance Driven (LiveMaps)

The driver will receive the amount entered in the Rate field for every mile (or kilometer) driven according to the route determined by the LiveMaps [The LiveMaps optional add-on allows you to base your customer address validation, delivery zones, driving directions, and reporting on live, up-to-date maps provided by an online mapping provider. Display maps on a second monitor, email directions to your drivers' smartphones, and more. Talk to your SpeedLine Sales representative for more information.] online mapping provider.

If the distance for a run cannot be determined due to an unmappable customer address, the amount entered in the Fallback field will be paid.


The drive distance unit of measure is set on the Dispatch Options Mapping tab.

Note HM

Important Please check local labor laws before using the Amount per Distance Driven method to pay drivers.

Amount per Order for Delivery Zone

The amount the driver receives is determined by the fee set in the Settings>People>Delivery Zones> Fee Paid to Driver field for each zone. Any value in the Rate field will be ignored.

If several orders are delivered to the same address at once, the fee will be split equally between them.

Note: You must use this setting if your drivers  are paid a flat fee per order that varies by zone.

% of Delivery Charge

The driver will receive a percentage of the delivery charge (the percentage is determined by the value in the Rate field).

4.Enter a new value in the Rate field.

5.If using the Amount per Distance Driven option, in the Fallback field, enter the amount to pay when the distance for a run cannot be calculated due to an unmappable customer address.

6.Click OK.

7.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

8.Refresh Terminal to activate your new driver fees.

See Also:

Change Fees Paid to Drivers

Set Maximum Fee Paid to Driver per Ticket