If an employee has transferred to your store from another store location, you may wish to record which location they transferred from. After addition, these locations will be available for selection in the employee profile [Access an employee's profile by going to the Settings> People> Employees screen and double-clicking the employee's name in the list.] Employment tab.
To Add Transfer Locations
1.Go to the Settings> People> Employee Options > Employment tab.
2.In the Locations area, click the Add button. The Location Transferred From window appears.
3.Enter an identifying number or word in the ID field and a description in the Description field.
4.Click OK. The new location will be listed in the Locations area, and will now be available for selection in the Location Transferred From field on the employee profile [Access an employee's profile by going to the Settings> People> Employees screen and double-clicking the employee's name in the list.] Employment tab.
5.Optionally, move the most commonly chosen options to the top of the list by clicking the up or down arrows.
To Remove Transfer Locations
1.Go to the Settings> People> Employee Options> Employment tab.
2.In the Locations area, click on the location to be removed, and then click the Delete button.
Caution If you delete a location transferred from, all references to it in employee records will be lost. |
3.Click OK to confirm the deletion.
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See Also: