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Menu Designer

In this step, you will:

Add a value meal node to the Menu Tree.

After creating the value meal coupon, the next step is to create a value meal node in the menu tree. The value meal node will contain the elements of the value meal.

To Create a Value Meal Node:

1.In the Menu Tree, right-click the Value Meals group, ButtonValueMeals point to Add, and then click Value Meal.

2.In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the value meal.

3.Make sure that the Active check box is selected.

4.If desired, enter a new caption in the Caption field. The caption will appear on the value meal's panel button.

5.In the Coupon field, click the Browse button. ButtonBrowse

6.Select the value meal coupon you created in the previous tutorial step, and then click OK.

7.To start the order-taker prompts when the coupon button for the value meal is touched, select the Start When Coupon Selected check box (prompts will also start if the value meal button is touched).

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Creating a Value Meal SpeedStart Tutorial Home

Step 1: Create a Value Meal Coupon

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 2: Create a Value Meal Node

Step 3: Add Enforced Items and Choices

Step 4: Add Enforced Modifiers

Step 5: Add a Terminal Button