You can create quantity discount pricing, that is, offering a lower price on the purchase of multiple items, by using a Multi Price node.
To Create Quantity Discount Pricing:
1.Add a Multi Price node to a menu item.
2.In the Qty. Levels field, type or select the item purchase limit. Example You offer a discounted price if a customer purchases two, three, or four pizzas. There is no discount on a fifth pizza. In this case, you would enter 4 in the Qty. Levels field. :
3.In the Pricing Method list, select Total or Sum. (See Pricing Method Examples)
4.Click the Prices tab.
5.Enter a price for each menu item size and quantity level by clicking on a cell in the table and entering a dollar amount. The price amounts to enter in each cell depends on the Pricing Method that you have chosen (see Pricing Method Examples).
See Also: