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Pricing Method Examples (Each, Sum and Total)

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This topic contains examples of using the Each, Total and Sum pricing methods when creating a Multi Price node. In general, you only need to use the Sum or Total pricing methods if you offer a discount on purchasing menu selections in bulk. For regular-priced menu selections, use Each.

For the purpose of these examples, the term "item" will be used to refer to both items and modifiers.

hmtoggle_arrow0Each Pricing Method Example: (When Each is used, a price is charged each time an item is added to the order.)
hmtoggle_arrow0Sum Pricing Method Example: (Use Sum when you have a Quantity Level greater than 1, and you want to add additional item prices together with the base cost of the item.)
hmtoggle_arrow0Total Pricing Method Example: (Use Total when you have a Quantity Level greater than 1 and you want to keep a running total of the item's cost.)

See Also:

Price a Sized Item

Understanding Prices