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About Exported XML Menus

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Your menus can be exported to an XML file. The XML file structure makes the comparison of multiple menus possible, and the XML menu data can be archived for future use in a database or similar system. If you are working with an online ordering integrator, they may require the XML file to build your online menu.

The structure of an exported XML menu file is self-explanatory, and can be visually compared with your menu in Menu Designer. The menu data is divided into three sections in the XML file:

MetaData: contains statistical information about the menu, such as menu title, author, effective and expiry dates, and version.

Settings: contains the menu's global settings from the menu Root Tabs

Children: contains the menu's entire Root node structure.

XML Examples

Click these links for visual examples of how specific parts of the menu translate to XML.

Menu item node

Modifier node

Enforced item node

Item Contents node

Best Practice HM

Hint We recommend that you create and view XML copies of your menus to become familiar with the entire structure.

See Also:

Export a Menu to XML

Set Up a New Menu

Understanding the Menu Tree

Add a Master Product Code to an Item or Modifier