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Navigation: Coupons, Value Meals, and Loyalty Rewards > Create a Coupon > Create a Value Meal Coupon

Step 2: Select Items

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Add Menu Items:

1.In the Value Meal Items window, click Add.

2.In the Item field, click the Browse button ButtonBrowse and select a menu item (Anything that can be sold to a customer is considered a menu item. Pizza, drinks, and promotional merchandise are examples of menu items.) or item group that will be included in the value meal.

3.If you want to restrict the item size, select the sizes in the Sizes area. If no sizes are selected, there will be no size restrictions.

4.If you want to use portions with this coupon, select All Portions from the Look For Modifiers On list. Otherwise, leave Full Portion selected.

5.In the Selection Search Order list, choose how SpeedLine will apply the coupon on tickets with multiple items:

Lowest to Highest Price: The coupon will be applied to the lowest priced item that meets the coupon requirements

Highest to Lowest Price: The coupon will be applied to the highest priced item that meets the coupon requirements

6.Click OK.

7.To add additional menu items to the value meal, repeat the steps above. When you are finished adding items, click Next.

Enter Discount Amounts:

1.In the Discount Amounts window, enter a discounted price for each item included in the value meal. The value meal total will be added and displayed at the bottom of the window.

2.When you have entered a price for each item, click Next.




Create a Value Meal:

Step 1: Create a Value Meal

RightGreenArrowSmallStep 2: Select Items

Step 3: Additional Restrictions

Step 4: Completing the Wizard