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Navigation: Coupons, Value Meals, and Loyalty Rewards > Loyalty Reward Examples

Free Appetizer Reward

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Reward Description:

A free appetizer for loyalty club members.

If using
SpeedLine Loyalty:

Costs 1,500 points, and assumes that 1500 initial points are awarded when the customer joins the SpeedLine loyalty program.

If using
Paytronix Loyalty:

No point cost is assigned. Customers often need to register their Paytronix loyalty cards online to be eligible for the reward.

If using Punchh Loyalty:

Not applicable, as reward details are set up on the Punchh website. See Integrating Punchh Loyalty with Your Menu.

Reward Details:

Simple discount coupon.

Free appetizer.

To Create the Reward:

Use the Coupon Wizard

1.Right-click your loyalty reward (If you don't have a loyalty rewards group in your coupon branch, add one and create all of your rewards in that group.) group, point to Wizards, and then click Coupon Wizard. At the wizard welcome page, click Next.

2.Click Simple Discount, and then click Next.

3.Click the Edit button.

4.In the Item field, click the Browse button. bBrowse

5.Select your Appetizers group, click OK, and then click OK again to close the Coupon Item dialog box.

6.Click Next.

7.Click Free, and then click Next until you reach the General page.

8.Fill in the Name and Caption fields. The caption appears on the Terminal button.

9.Enter a unique identifying code in the ID field.

Note HM

Note The coupon ID will be identical to the Paytronix "discount object number" used to identify the reward on the loyalty administration website. If you are using SpeedLine loyalty, entering an ID is recommended, but optional.

10.Select the tax group to be discounted from the Tax Group list, and then click Next.

Note HM

Note If you do not select a tax group, the customer will be charged the tax that would apply to the  regular price of the item.

11.Select the Loyalty Reward check box, and do one of the following:

If you are using SpeedLine Loyalty, type 1000 in the Point Cost box.


If you are using Paytronix loyalty, leave the points cost set to zero (0).

12.Click Next, and then click Finish.

Your reward is ready to use. Save your menu and then refresh your Terminal stations.

See Also:

$5 Loyalty Dollars Reward Example

30% Off Your Order Reward Example

Buy 10 Get 1 Free Reward Example