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Set Up Customer Text Displays

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Customer text displays (commonly called pole displays) are used at Terminal point of sale stations to display order information such as order total, amount tendered, and change due. Most models will also allow the display of custom text messages (stationary or scrolling).

To Set Up a Customer Text Display

1.Go to the Settings> Hardware> Station Options icon_stationOptions> Customer Display tab.

2.Select the station you want to configure the customer display for from the list on the left.

Note HM

Important If DEFAULT is highlighted, any settings changes will become the default for all stations not listed.

3.In the Customer Text Display area, select the model of text you are using from the Customer Text Display Type list. Several additional fields appear.

4.If the COM port list is visible, select the COM port that the display is connected to. to expandIf using an OPOS display, in the Device Name field, determine and enter the device name

6.In the Idle Marquee Style list, select the idle marquee style.

Note HM

Note If the Line 1 settings are not available, the selected model of text display does not support the display of custom text. The order total, amount tendered, and change due will still display.

7.To have a line of text appear on the display when the station is idle, enter it in the Idle Marquee Text field.

8.Select the active marquee style from the Active Marquee Style list.

9.To have a line of text appear on the display when the station is active, enter it in the Active Marquee Text field.

10.Select the Clock check box to have the current time appear in the display.

11.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

See also:

Assign Customer Displays to Stations

Supported Hardware & 3rd Party Software

Customer Displays