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Read the Shifts.txt Export File

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This topic explains how to interpret the data in the shifts.txt export file.

The shifts.txt file is a comma delimited text file that may be exported at any time manually, or automatically when day end is run at pay period start or end. The file contains shift information for employees. For each employee, the totals for the period are displayed on line 1, and the data for each shift is displayed on line 2. There will be one line labeled with line number 2 for each shift the employee has worked. Each piece of employee shift data is separated from the next by a comma.

Line 1- Totals for the Period Exported

LineNumber, EmployeeNum, SocialSecurityNum, LastName, FirstName, RegHours, OTHours, TotalHours, Rate, GrossWages, TotalTips, TotalDriverFees, TotalAdditionalPayroll

Line 2 - Data for Each Shift

LineNumber, ShiftDate, EmpJob, EmpDept, RegHours,OTHours1 + OTHours2, RegHours + OTHours1 + OTHours2, EmpPayRate, GrossPay, Tips, DriverFees, AdditonalPayroll

Example Showing an Employee with Two Shifts for the Period:


See also:

Export Employee Shifts

Customize Export of Employee Shifts for Payroll (to automatically export shifts at day end).