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Add Validation Criteria for Employee Payment Cards

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If you are using pay cards to pay your employees, use the procedure below to enter the criteria that help ensure a valid pay card number is entered in the employee's profile [Access an employee's profile by going to the Settings> People> Employees screen and double-clicking the employee's name in the list.].

To Add Validation Criteria

1.Go to the Settings> People> Employee Options icon_employeeOptions> Employment tab.

2.To accept only card numbers that meet international standards for bank card numbers, in the Payment Card Validation area, select the Require ISO/IEC 7812 Compliance check box.

3.For additional specificity when swiping cards, in the Valid Card Number Prefixes field, enter the first digits that are valid for all cards used at your store. If there are several acceptable prefixes, enter each on a separate line.

Best Practice HM

Hint Your head office or bank will often give you a range of Issuer Identification Numbers (IIN) that will be used on cards supplied to your store. Use these to determine acceptable prefixes.

4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes. Only payment card numbers that meet the validation criteria will be accepted when swiping or entering a payment card in the employee's profile (see Enter Employment Information for instructions on entering the card number).

See Also:

Enter Employment Information

Enter Payment Card Encryption