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Terminate Employment

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If staff end their employment at your store, follow the procedure below to change their status in SpeedLine. Even though an employee may no longer be actively employed by your operation, your SpeedLine system will retain the employee's information for later reference.

Warning HM

Caution When terminating an Employee, use the procedure below to set employment status to Terminated, rather than deleting the Employee Record; otherwise, all labor information on the employee will be lost without possibility of recovery.

1.Go to the Settings> People> Employees.icon_employeeSetup

2.Double-click the employee whose employment has ended.

3.Click the Employment tab.

4.In the Status area, select Terminated. You will be prompted to give details.

5.In the Termination Date field, click the arrow bDropdown to choose the date from a calendar, or enter it in the format mm/dd/yyyy.

6.Click the Browse button bBrowseSml to enter a Termination Reason. (If the Termination Reason field is not visible, or the appropriate reason is not listed, see Add or Remove Termination Reasons.)

7.Optionally, in the Termination Note field, enter details of the termination reason or other comments.

8.If this employee is eligible for re-hire at a later date, select Can Re-Hire.

9.If the employee may return, for example after the school year is over, enter leave of absence information:

a.In the Leave of Absence Date field, click the drop-down arrow to enter a leave of absence start date.

b.In the Leave of Absence Reason field, enter a short note (44 characters or less) to explain the absence.

c.In the Expected Return Date field, click the drop-down arrow to enter the date the employee is expected to return to work.

10.Click OK to save changes and close the employee profile.

Best Practice HM

Hint Initially, only active employees are shown in the employee list. To see terminated, laid off, or on leave employees, clear the Status = Active check box at the bottom of the Employees screen, or click the arrow beside the Status column heading and select the status types you want to show.

Note HM

Note The display name of employees who have been terminated can be automatically reset to their employee ID, thus allowing the display name to be re-used. See Reset Employee Display Names.

Note HM

Note If you have registered employee fingerprints, the employee's fingerprint is automatically securely deleted when his or her status is set to Terminated.

Follow these links to more topics related to employees:

To add or remove termination reasons that are available for selection, see Add or Remove Termination Reasons.

To have the display name of terminated employees automatically reset, see Reset Employee Display Names.

To update or modify information on an existing employee, see Find an Employee.

To add testing types and track your employee progress through the testing, see Manage Employee Testing.

For general employee options, including time-clocks, meal breaks, labor cost groups, overtime rates, and fees paid to drivers, see Employee Options.

To communicate with your employees and record comments with regard to them, see Send Employee Messages and Events.