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Manually Add Supplier-specific Information to Stock Items

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Use this procedure if you prefer to manually update existing stock items with McLane-specific supplier information for use in electronic receiving, rather than using the Import Items wizard.

Best Practice HM

Hint You may also add McLane's items and units of measure using the Import Items wizard. Using the wizard is much faster, and there is less chance of data entry errors.

1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Inventory Options icon_inventoryOptions> Supplier Specific tab.

2.Click the View File button to the right of Inventory Items (items.dat).

3.Click the bPrint button and print out the file to a standard letter-size printer. Press OK. You will use this printout in Step 8.

4.Go to Settings> Inventory Settings> Stock Items.

5.Click to highlight the first stock item in the list. Click the Suppliers tab (click the Pin edit window button bPinEditWindow at the top to split the screen if the Suppliers tab is not visible).

6.If there are no entries under the item’s Supplier tab, press the Add button.bAdd

7.Click in the Supplier column of the new entry. From the drop-down list, select the supplier you are adding information from. In this example, you would choose McLane Foodservice Distribution from the list.

8.For each stock item, you will enter supplier-specific stock item information. In this example, the information is contained in the McLane items.dat file (printed in Step 3). Each line on the printout has the data format shown in the sample line below, with alphanumeric values separated by commas:

"P1","10","164 ","0010583","10583","6132","3 BN SALAD","BC",26,"LB",50,0,1.0000,"A",6.26," ",0,20050302,171415,"N","","01"

a.Type in the Supplier Part #. This is the fourth value in the line. Do not enter spaces or quotation marks, but do enter leading zeros. Using the sample line above, the Supplier Part # would be 0010583.

Note HM

Note If the part numbers for existing Inventory stock items have been entered manually without including  leading zeros, omit them when entering new items, but select the Trim Supplier Part Number Leading Zeros setting. This will remove leading zeros from received items during import, so they match existing Inventory stock items.

b.Type in the Supplier Purchase UOM. This is the eighth value in the line, the first value shown after the item’s description. In the sample line above, the Supplier Purchase UOM is BC.

c.Click the Unit field and choose the UOM of the item from the drop-down list. For example, even though McLane’s Purchase UOM in the above sample line is BC, you may refer to it as a 20oz Can (if that is applicable and available in your drop-down menu - if not, see Units of Measure).

d.Enter the Supplier Receive UOM. This value is a merging of items eight, nine, and ten on each line of the McLane items.dat file printout. So, using the sample line above, the Supplier Receive UOM is BC26LB.

Note HM

Note Some stores add and use SpeedLine UOMs to match the Supplier Receive UOM. If not imported with McLane data, these custom UOMs and their conversions have to be added. See Add a Custom Unit Conversion if the UOM is specific to one item, or see Add, Edit, or Delete a Global Unit Conversion if the unit will be used for more than one item.

9.Repeat steps 8 a - d for all items.

See also:

Electronic Supplier Integration

Receive Stock Items

Import Supplier-specific Stock Items and Units of Measure