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Change Miscellaneous Charges

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Note HM

Important The Store Manager Misc Charges feature is now obsolete. It is faster, more convenient, and less prone to misuse to sell miscellaneous merchandise or other items by adding an "Open Food" or merchandise button to one of your menu panels. This allows you to set a maximum and minimum price for the item. See the Create an "Open Food" Item  topic in Menu Designer Help.

Occasionally, a customer may ask to buy food or other items not available in your menu (for example, a jar of your house salsa or pasta sauce). You can sell food, other manually-priced items, or merchandise in Terminal by touching Options and then Misc Charges on the Full Review screen.

If you are already using this feature and wish to make changes to the items available, follow the instructions below.

To Change a Misc Charge Item

1.Go to Settings> Money> Misc Charges. icon_miscCharges

2.Select the Active check box to display the item in the Misc Charges window in Terminal so that it can be selected, or clear the check box to remove the item from the window.

3.Click the Caption field to edit the name of the item.

4.In the Amount field, change or enter the amount to be charged, if the item has a fixed price. If the amount is left at "0.00" a keypad will allow the user to enter any amount.

5.In the Tax Group field, select the tax group to apply to the item.

6.Ignore the Misc Sales check box. This is a legacy feature which no longer has any function.

7.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

8.Refresh Terminal to see the revised charges in the Full Review> Options> Misc Charges window.