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Add or Change Delivery Charges

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You can add, delete, or modify delivery charge start times and the method used to charge for deliveries using the procedure below.

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Options icon_customerOptions> Delivery Charges tab.

Warning HM

Caution Delivery charge changes should be made only after running day end or before making any sales the next day.

2.Optionally, in the Caption field, change the name of the charge that will print on tickets.

3.To add a new charge, click the Add button. bAdd

4.Click in the columns to make changes. The function of each setting is described below:

Start Time

Enter the start time of the delivery charge (if set to 12:00 AM, the charge is always in effect).


Select  the method by which the delivery charge is to be calculated from the list:

% of order subtotal: charges a percentage of the subtotal. Rate becomes a percentage in this case.

amount per order charges a fixed dollar amount to each order.

amount per order for delivery zone: charges a rate based on the delivery zone for the order (the zone is specified either automatically using LiveMaps [The LiveMaps optional add-on allows you to base your customer address validation, delivery zones, driving directions, and reporting on live, up-to-date maps provided by an online mapping provider. Display maps on a second monitor, email directions to your drivers' smartphones, and more. Talk to your SpeedLine Sales representative for more informaion.] or a streets database, or manually by entering a zone on the Terminal Customer screen). For this method, enter or change the charge amount on the Delivery Zones screen, as the Rate field (see below) is ignored.


Enter a number to reflect a percentage or a dollar value, based on the selection in the Method field.

Note HM

Note If you are using the "amount per order for delivery zone" method, the Rate field is ignored. To change the charge, see the Manage Delivery Zones topic.

Tax Group

Select the tax group to apply if your delivery charges are taxable.

4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

5.Refresh Terminal to implement your new settings.

See Also:

Manage Delivery Zones for instructions about adding zones and specifying charges and times for each one.

Add a Delivery Zone Field to the Customer Screen