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Menu Designer


The error "MenuName.slm does not appear to be a valid menu" is displayed when you try to open your menu file.


The menu file did not save correctly and has become corrupted. This can happen when Menu Designer is not closed properly.


You will need to use the backup menu file.

To Use the Backup File:

1.Open the C:\SpeedLine\Data\Menus folder.

2.Right-click the corrupted .slm file and click Rename.

3.Rename the corrupted file with a different file extension (e.g., MenuName.bad).

4.Right-click the menu backup file (Backup of MenuName.slb) and click Rename.

5.Rename the backup file with an .slm extension.

6.Activate the renamed backup menu file in Store Manager.

See Also:

Activate a menu in Store Manager (Store Manager Help)