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Navigation: Money > Tender Types

Change Exchange Rates

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Caution To avoid possible problems with existing tickets, do not make changes to exchange settings during the day. Changes are best made after running day end, or before making sales the next day.

1.Go to the Settings> Money> Tender Types icon_tenderTypes> Exchange tab.

2.In the Tender Type list, click the tender type that you are changing the exchange rate for.

3.In the Exchange Rate field, enter the value of the foreign currency when converted to local currency. For example, if the foreign currency is Canadian dollars, the local currency is US dollars, and the exchange rate is 1 CAD = 0.9575 USD, enter 0.9575.

4.To set how change for cash payments is shown, do one of the following:

Select Base Currency to show change to be given in your local currency, and then from the Change Tender Type list, select the tender type of the change to be given (usually cash).


Select Current Currency to show change to be given in the foreign currency, if you keep foreign currency on hand.

5.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

6.Refresh Terminal to implement your new exchange rate.

See Also:

Create Foreign Currency Tender Button

Change Tender Types