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Map Your Store Address

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Before using the LiveMaps online mapping tools, you must map your store's address. This will allow the LiveMaps provider to show your store on maps, and provide distances and route information for deliveries.

1.On the Settings tab, click the System group.

2.Click Store Information. icon_storeInfo

3.On the General tab, check that all parts of the store address are complete and correct, including the zip code.

Note HM

Note If your store address includes a unit number, make sure it is recorded in the Unit field before mapping (unit numbers included in the Address field can cause mapping to fail). In the State or Province field, use standard two-letter state and province abbreviations like "WA" for Washington state or "ON" for Ontario.

4.Click Map Store Address and do one of the following:

If the store address was found, click OK.


If the store address was not found, even after it was double-checked for accuracy, report the issue to Bing by searching for the address on the website and clicking the Report a problem link at the bottom of the search results.

Note HM

Note To map delivery routes, you may need to use the closest mappable address to your store until Bing results are updated.

Note HM

Note If you change the store address fields or change mapping data providers, you will need to map the store address again.

Note HM

Note If your store location changes and your zones are based on distance from the store, you  will need to recreate delivery zone boundaries. See Define Delivery Zone Boundaries for steps.

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LiveMaps Tutorial Home

Step 1: Set Mapping Provider Options

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 2: Map Store Address

Step 3: Define Delivery Zone Boundaries

Step 4: Change Validation Settings

Step 5: Send Driving Directions to Phone