The Day Report displays a series of report sections that contain statistics such as sales, employee performance, and gross and net sales by order type. Each type of Day Report (Current/Open Day, Closed Day and Multi-Day) can be customized to show a number of section categories. They can be sorted into a specific order based on your business requirements. Not all Report Sections are available for each Day Report type.
The Day Report is available in Terminal, Store Manager, and SpeedWeb.
You can create a customized Day Report by selecting the Day Report sections you want to include. Sections can be added, removed, or reordered to meet your current reporting requirements. This allows you to change the day report as needed, for example to track coupon details if you have a new promotion running.
To Customize Your Day Report
1.Click Settings> End of Day> Day Report Options. A tab for each type of report displays.
2.On the Current/Open Day tab, select the box to the left of each section that you want to display on the DayReport for the current open business day.
Note Some report sections may require selection of additional settings that appear in the Additional Settings area on the right side of the screen. Additional settings apply to the same report on all three tabs. The lower half of the Additional Settings area displays a sample of the report section that is highlighted in the Day Report Sections area. |
3.Click the Closed Day tab. Select the box to the left of each section that you want to display on the DayReport for a previous business day.
4.Click the Multi-Day tab. Select the box to the left of each section that you want to display on a DayReport that combines information for a number of previous business days. Each section is described below.
Day Report Tabs |
Report Section (arranged alphabetically) |
Description |
Current/ Open Day |
Closed Day |
Multi-Day |
X |
X |
X |
Addresses Not Found |
If you are using a street database, this shows a list of customer addresses not found in the street database and the percentage found. |
X |
Automated Day End |
Shows system events that were triggered during automated day end. For example, voids performed, or banks closed. |
X |
X |
Buffet Usage |
Shows the number of buffet template items used for each type of buffet. |
X |
X |
X |
Category Details |
Shows a summary of a particular category. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
Closed Banks |
Shows what banks were closed throughout the day and what times they were closed. |
X |
X |
Closed Tickets for Server |
Shows a summary of tickets that each server has already completed. |
X |
X |
X |
Comped Tickets |
Shows a summary of comped tickets including when they were comped, for how much, and the reason. |
X |
X |
X |
Coupon Details |
Shows the number of coupons used and the total amount they have cost the restaurant. |
X |
X |
X |
Coupon Summary |
Shows the number of coupons used for the day and their total value. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
X |
Credit Usage |
Shows the value of credits that were redeemed and the names and phone numbers of the customers who redeemed them. |
X |
X |
X |
Crust Sales |
Shows the number of crusts sold plus sorts by crust type, what sizes were sold, and gross sales figures for these totals. Note: Crusts must be set up to be included in their own individual Item category for this to show. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
X |
Day Notes |
Shows any notes entered during the day (e.g., unusual weather, or “Bus tour”). To activate the prompt for day notes at day end, see Set End of Day Prompts. To prompt for notes at clock out, see Manage Departments (if set by department) or Assign Job and Salary (if set by employee). To allow mangers to enter day notes at any time using the Day Notes button on the User screen, see View or Change Security Privileges and grant the Terminal> Manager> Add Day Note privilege. |
X |
X |
X |
Delivery Performance |
Shows the number of orders in several out-the-door (OTD) time ranges. Time range and interval are controlled by additional settings. Provides other key delivery dispatch performance statistics, including on road time (the time between driver assignment and return), average delivery time (time between assign and return divided by the number of tickets on a run), and information on discounts made after delivery (the total of all discounts or coupons applied after the order was assigned to a driver). Discounts made after delivery have the potential for abuse, particularly if payment was by cash (see Loss Prevention Strategies). |
X |
X |
X |
Deposit Summary |
Lists tender types and amounts of all deposits made to your financial institution. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
X |
Discounted Tickets |
Shows any ticket a discount was applied to. Note: Does not include coupons. |
X |
X |
Employees Off Clock |
Shows the employees Clock In and Clock Out times plus Elapsed time. |
X |
Employees On Clock |
Shows the employees who are currently clocked into SpeedLine. |
X |
X |
X |
Fee Paid to Driver Summary |
Shows drivers who collect fees for making deliveries, with the total amount owed to them for the business day. Note: Only shows if driver fees have been set up. |
X |
X |
X |
Gift Certificates |
Shows the details on each Gift Certificate sold and redeemed during the business day. |
X |
X |
X |
Hourly Labor vs Sales |
Shows what time the store does the most business and what percentage of profit is used by labor costs. See Customize the Labor vs Sales Graph and Report for information on the Additional Settings. |
X |
X |
X |
Hourly Order Types Sales |
Shows a detailed report on one particular order type (e.g., delivery, pickup etc.) to identify trends. Note: the default is Delivery. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
X |
House Account Activity |
Shows a list of sales (tickets), credits, and payments for house accounts during the time period, and gives a final balance (credits - charges). |
X |
X |
X |
Item Categories Sold |
Shows sales (total units and gross dollar amount) for each item category assigned in Menu Designer. |
X |
X |
X |
Shows a summary based on the hourly wages (overtime included) of each employee. You can also compare labor costs by department. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
Notable Activity |
Shows any activity to any ticket that may require further scrutiny (e.g., tickets that were edited many times, or "change downs"--substitution of less expensive for more expensive items before the ticket was tendered). Click to see information on additional settings. See Loss Prevention Strategies for other reports and settings that can help prevent internal losses. |
X |
Open Bank Account |
Shows what bank accounts are open (Station or Server Names) and what their current balances are. |
X |
Open Tickets |
Shows what tickets are open (not tendered) and when they were entered. |
X |
X |
Open Tickets for Server |
Shows a summary of each ticket for each server that has not been tendered. |
X |
X |
X |
Order Charge Summary |
Shows the totals of all charges collected, including delivery charges, order surcharges, gratuities, misc. charges and tender charges. |
X |
X |
X |
Order Credit Summary |
Shows totals for each credit given to a customer including coupon, discount, comp, order discount, credit directly applied directly from the customer’s account. |
X |
X |
X |
Order Entry Duration Summary |
Shows the average length of time it takes to enter and complete an order. It measures the time from when an employee first goes into the Menu, Customer, or User screen (ticket creation) to the time the ticket is completed. |
X |
Out of Stock Items |
Shows a list of items or modifiers that have been marked as out of stock in Terminal using the User> Out of Stock button. Displays the time the item was marked out of stock and the time it became available (if applicable). |
X |
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X |
Pay-In Summary |
Shows the time, the tender, and how much each pay-in was for. |
X |
X |
X |
Pay-Out Summary |
Shows every payout made throughout the day. |
X |
X |
X |
Quoted Times |
Shows the number of orders for an order type (based on the Order Types you select when clicking this report selection in Store Manager), the average number of minutes late (based on the number of late orders), and the percentage of late orders. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
X |
X |
Repeat Customer Analysis |
Shows the number of orders for customers who previously ordered within pre-set day intervals. |
X |
X |
X |
Sales by Employee |
Summarizes sales made by each employee. Includes: Number of Orders: Total number of orders taken by Employee. Gross Sales: The total sales amount before discounts. Net Sales: Calculated by subtracting coupons, discounts, customer credit and complimentary items from the gross sales. |
X |
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X |
Sales by Order Type |
Summarizes your sales by order type (delivery, pickup, dine in, counter, etc.). Includes: Gross Sales: The total number of orders for each order type and the total dollar amount before discounts. Avg. Gross Sale: The average by dividing the number of orders by the gross sales amount for that order type. This calculates the average gross sale amount for a single order. Net Sales: Calculated by subtracting coupons, discounts, customer credit and complimentary items from the gross sales. Avg. Net Sale: The same as avg. gross sales, that all discounts are removed. |
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X |
Sales by Price Group |
Shows how many orders of each price group you have received and the gross and net sales amount for each type. |
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X |
Sales by Station |
Shows the sales figures for each station, broken down into item categories. Click to see information on additional settings. |
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X |
Sales Summary |
Shows a comparison of gross sales to net sales. Gross sales = the amount of money taken in, plus the value of any discounts, credits, and coupons applied (sales at “full retail”). Net sales = the actual amount of money taken in after discounts, coupons, and credits have been deducted. Note: Net Sales and Gross Sales calculations don’t include taxes. |
X |
X |
Sales/Tender Reconciliation |
Shows a breakdown of money received and paid out. The total should match the total of cash and other tender you have at the end of a business day. If the store bank closing amount is less than the opening amount, the difference will be shown as a negative "Store Bank Variance" amount (this is usually due to most of the day's sales being made with cards, but fees and tips being paid to staff in cash at shift end). Thetarget opening amount for the next day will need to be adjusted, or cash added to the store bank from your financial institution. |
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X |
Sales by SpeedLine Connect Source |
Lists the number of orders, the gross sales, and the net sales from each SpeedLine Connect ordering source. |
X |
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X |
Server Summary |
For each server, shows number of parties, guests, average dollars per party, and turnover time. |
X |
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X |
Sizes Sold |
Shows the number of items ordered for each size. |
X |
X |
X |
Table Service Performance |
A summary of the table service statistics for the restaurant. Shows percentages for turnover minutes categories (customizable with additional settings), bus times, number of parties, top and average amounts spent, and average and total tips (if the tips have been recorded on a ticket assigned to a server). |
X |
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X |
Table Summary by Section |
For each table, shows the number of parties and guests, amount spent, and the average turnover time. Tables are grouped by section. |
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X |
Taxes/Levies |
Shows the taxes that you have collected during the business day. Tax Exempt Sales lists the taxable subtotals of tickets that were exempted from taxes. |
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X |
Tender Rounding |
If the Tender Rounding Tender Type setting is active, shows the number of rounding events, amount rounded in each event, and total amount gained or lost due to rounding. |
X |
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X |
Tender Summary |
Shows the total for each tender type collected (e.g., cash, Visa, Check etc.) and a total summing up all the total tender received. |
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X |
Ticket Details |
Shows a one-line summary of each ticket including ticket number, time of order, order type, and dollar amount. Note: Voided tickets are printed in red if the printer supports it. Click to see information on additional settings. |
X |
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X |
Time of Day Order Type Sales |
Shows sales by specified periods of time. Click to see information on additional settings. |
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X |
Tip Totals |
Shows total tips on tickets assigned to each employee, and an overall total for the store. Cash tips will not be included unless recorded by employees. |
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X |
Voided Tickets |
Shows voided ticket information including why it was voided. Click to see information on additional settings. |
5.To change the order of sections in the report, highlight the section in the Day Report Sections area and then use the arrow buttons
to move the section up or down.
6.On the Edit menu, select Save Changes.
See Also: