Periodically, the hours that an employee is available for work may change. Use the procedure below to adjust the employee's availability in SpeedLine, so that the schedule will correctly reflect when the employee can work.
To Change Employee Availability for Work
1.Go to Settings> People> Employees.
2.Double-click the employee whose availability you want to change.
3.Click the Scheduling tab.
4.In the Not Available Times area, double-click the first day you want to set.
Note The Not Available Times area may also be called the Available Times area, depending on the Availability Settings option that is chosen in the Scheduling Options> General tab. See Change Availability Settings for instructions on changing the setting. |
5.In the Future Changes area, click Current to change the availability effective immediately, or click the left-hand Add button to add a change that will take effect at some point in the future, for example, when an employee returns to school in the fall.
6.Click the drop down arrow in the Effective field and select the date when the availability change becomes effective.
7.In the Day Start area, do one of the following:
•To enter a new availability change, click the right-hand Add button.
•To edit the period start and end times for an existing entry, double-click it.
8.Enter or adjust the Start Time and End Time for the availability period.
Note If the new start and end times overlap with availability times that are already listed, you will get an error. |
9.Click OK.
10.To remove an entry, select it, and then click the Delete button.
11.Click OK to save changes and close the employee profile.
See Also: